Tag: bluegrass festival

  • How I, an introvert, survive a bluegrass festival

    How I, an introvert, survive a bluegrass festival

    As you can imagine, bluegrass festivals are social events. You’re camping and living in close proximity to lots of people. LOTS of people. Sometimes those people are strangers, sometimes they’re friends. Time by yourself is hard to come by for a few days. Now, for people like Michael, this is actually completely awesome. He’s an…

  • The last day of the festival…

    The last day of the festival…

    I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but I am a big fan of naps. And not just at bluegrass festivals. In general I take a lot of naps. Between 3-5 pm is usually when my energy is at its absolute lowest and a 20-minute nap is the perfect remedy. At Grass Valley,…

  • The Joys of Volunteering

    The Joys of Volunteering

    The Father’s Day Festival officially began on Thursday, June 13th. I was up early but I enjoyed the time to make coffee and enjoy breakfast in the cool morning air. We made it to the stage area in time to see some old friends from Colorado: FY5. We knew these guys back when they were…



    This time around Taco Negro journeyed all the way to Grass Valley, California (about a 6-hour drive) for the Father’s Day Festival. Checking the weather revealed the daunting truth that it was going to be a lot warmer in Grass Valley. In fact, the day I checked (two days before we left) there was a…

  • As a matter of fact, Taco Negro is the perfect festival rig

    As a matter of fact, Taco Negro is the perfect festival rig

    After coming back from two weeks in Utah we already had our next adventure set up: The Parkfield Bluegrass festival. Now, you might not think that our overlanding rig would be the best thing to take to a bluegrass festival. You would be wrong. Overlanders make excellent festivarians (to borrow the word from Planet Bluegrass).…