Tag: Revel Gear

  • Three states in one day?

    Three states in one day?

    The south makes some interesting things possible… Like crossing through three states in one day, and still having time to set up camp before dark. Here’s the recap for the weekend of February 10th: We arrived in Hot Springs, AR on Thursday night, and Aunt Theresa proceeded to thoroughly spoil both dogs. See, Uncle Richard’s…

  • Backpacking in the wintertime

    You might not think that January would be a good time to go backpacking in Northwest Arkansas. I’m happy to tell you, you would be wrong. Of course, it helped that we picked the perfect weekend to go. Or maybe it was such great company. Six adults, one nine-year-old, and seven dogs went camping at…

  • The Idaho adventure continues

    I left off the last post as we were setting up camp along the Red River, at a site called French Gulch. And we’d heard that the temps were supposed to drop that night. Maybe as low as 30. Well. There is a saying that there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear.…

  • Grand Teton National Park, Adventures in off-roading, and the Elvis dilemma

    We made it to the Tetons today! After camping last night outside of Moran Junction, we headed into the Park around 9am and spent most of the day there, including a nice picnic lunch and a 6-mile hike out to Bradley Lake.                   Eventually we headed out…

  • Adventures in Crested Butte

    Michael politely suggested I change the subtitle of this blog, to “let’s go traveling” instead of “let’s go adventuring.” See, the thing is, adventures are not always fun while they’re happening. And Crested Butte was an adventure. We arrived under sunny skies, near dusk on Tuesday, and quickly found a nice spot to camp along…

  • I’d say that was easy, but…

    We’re free. We each signed our names a dozen times, then we handed over our keys and got handed a check. We’re no longer homeowners. That was the only easy part. We had until 1:45 to be out of the house – the buyer’s final walkthrough began at that time. Guess what time we left?…