Tag: solar lights

  • Grand Teton National Park, Adventures in off-roading, and the Elvis dilemma

    We made it to the Tetons today! After camping last night outside of Moran Junction, we headed into the Park around 9am and spent most of the day there, including a nice picnic lunch and a 6-mile hike out to Bradley Lake.                   Eventually we headed out…

  • I’d say that was easy, but…

    We’re free. We each signed our names a dozen times, then we handed over our keys and got handed a check. We’re no longer homeowners. That was the only easy part. We had until 1:45 to be out of the house – the buyer’s final walkthrough began at that time. Guess what time we left?…

  • Gear Review: the Luci Light

    I remember one of our previous trips to Moab. We went late in the fall – like, right around Election Day. In some ways it was the perfect time to go. Daytime temps were in the 60’s. But it was after Daylight Savings Time started, so it got dark at 5pm every day. Also, as…